Boron-GL User Manual

Version 2.0.2, 2020-03-07

1 Overview

Boron-GL extends the Boron scripting language with datatypes and functions for working with OpenGL 3.3 & ES 3.1.

Features include:

1.1 About This Document

This manual is largely incomplete.

There is a separate function reference available online at

2 Running Scripts

2.1 Shell Invocation

The first line of a script may be a UNIX shell sha-bang (#!) command.


2.2 Command Line Usage


boron-gl [options] [script] [arguments]

2.2.1 Command Line Options

-a Disable audio
-e “exp Evaluate expression
-h Show help and exit
-p Disable prompt and exit on exception
-s Disable security

2.2.2 Command Line Arguments

If the interpreter is invoked with a script then the args word will be set to either a block of strings, or none if no script arguments were given.

So this command:

boron-gl -e "probe args" file1 -p 2

Will print this:

["file1" "-p" "2"]

3 GL Datatypes

Type Name Description
draw-prog! Compiled draw program
raster! Pixel image in main memory
texture! OpenGL texture
font! Texture-based font
shader! OpenGL shader
fbo! OpenGL frame buffer object
vbo! OpenGL vertex buffer object
quat! Quaternion
widget! Widget

3.1 Draw-Prog!

A draw program is a list of display operations compiled to byte-code. It is reminiscent of the OpenGL 1.0 display list (now deprecated in OpenGL 3.0) but operates on modern elements such as shaders and vertex buffers.

NOTE: The terms draw program and draw list are used interchangeably.

3.2 Raster!

3.3 Texture!

The simplest way to make textures is to use the load-texture function.

load-texture %skin.png

Full specification:

make texture! [
    'mipmap 'nearest 'linear 'repeat 'clamp
    'gray 'rgb' 'rgba

3.4 Font!

A texture-based font.

make font! [%font-file.ttf 20]
make font! [%font-file.ttf face 1 20 "characters" 256,128]
make font! [raster! binary!]
make font! [texture! binary!]

3.5 Shader!

make shader! [
    vertex {...}
    fragment {...}
    default []

3.6 Fbo!

A framebuffer object is a render target.

3.7 Vbo!

Vertex buffers hold arrays of geometry vertex attributes.

3.8 Quat!

A unit-length quaternion.

Multiply a quat! by -1.0 to conjugate (invert) it. Multiplying a quat! by a vec3! will return a transformed vec3!.

Examples quaternions::

to-quat none     ; Identity
to-quat 10,0,240 ; From euler x,y,z angles

3.9 Widget!

4 Draw Program Instructions

In addition to the following instructions, any paren! value will be evaluated as Boron code at that point in the draw list.

Some instructions accept a get-word! argument. When this is used, the word value is read each time program is run rather than using a fixed value.

4.1 Box

Draws a box given minimum and maximum extents. Internally, a vertex buffer with normals & texture coordinates is created.

    min   int!/decimal!/vec3!
    max   int!/decimal!/vec3!

4.2 Blend

Sets the blending mode using glBlendFunc.

    mode    on/off/add/burn/trans
Mode Function
on glEnable( GL_BLEND )
off glDisable( GL_BLEND )
add glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE )
burn glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA )

4.3 Buffer

Calls glBindBuffer and sets pointer offsets using glVertexAttribPointer.

Currently only a single buffer command can be used between one or more primitive draw commands (tris, points, etc.).

4.4 Buffer-inst

Binds an array buffer like buffer, but also sets the glVertexAttribDivisor to 1 for use in instanced draws.

Currently buffer-inst must follow a buffer command.

4.5 Camera

Sets the camera context. glViewport is called and the GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW matrices are set.

    which   context!

4.6 Call

Runs another draw program.

Calling a none! value does nothing and can be used to disable the display of an item.

    list    none!/draw-prog!/widget!/get-word!

4.7 Clear


4.8 Color

Sets a shader vec4 uniform at layout(location = 1).

    value   int!/double!/coord!/vec3!/get-word!

The following all set the color to red (with alpha 1.0)::

color 0xff0000
color 255,0,0
color 1.0,0.0,0.0

It is recommended to use vec3!.

Grey values (with alpha 1.0) can be set using int!/double!.

4.9 Color-Mask

Calls glColorMask with all GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE arguments.

color-mask on/off

4.10 Cull

Calls glEnable/glDisable with GL_CULL_FACE.

cull on/off

4.11 Depth-Mask

Calls glDepthMask with GL_TRUE/GL_FALSE.

depth-mask on/off

4.12 Font

Sets the font for text instructions. This only provides the glyph metrics needed to generate quads; it does not actually emit any data into the compiled draw-prog. The shader instruction must be used to specify the texture.

    which   font!

4.13 Framebuffer

Calls glBindFramebuffer with target GL_FRAMEBUFFER. Pass zero to restore rendering to the display.

    which   fbo! or 0

4.14 Image

Display image at 1:1 texel to pixel scale. An optional X,Y position can be specified.

image [x,y] texture!
image x,y,w,h
image/horiz xmin,xmax,ycenter texture!
image/vert  ymin,ymax,xcenter texture!

4.15 Light

Controls lights.

4.16 Lines

Draw line primitives using glDrawElements with GL_LINES.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.17 Line-strip

Draw line primitives using glDrawElements with GL_LINES.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.18 Pop

Calls the equivalent of glPopMatrix.

4.19 Points

Draw point primitives using glDrawArrays or glDrawElements with GL_POINTS.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.20 Point-Size

point-size on/off

4.21 Point-Sprite

point-sprite on/off

4.22 Push

Calls the equivalent of glPushMatrix on the modelview stack.

4.23 Push-Model

Push (and multiply) a matrix onto the modelview stack and also copy the original matrix into a shader uniform.

Calls the equivalent of glPushMatrix, glMultMatrix & glUniformMatrix4fv.

push-model uniform-name :matrix-variable

4.24 Push-Mul

Calls the equivalent of glPushMatrix followed by glMultMatrix on the modelview stack.

push-mul :matrix

4.25 Rotate

Rotate around axis or by quaternion.

rotate x/y/z decimal!
rotate x/y/z get-word!
rotate get-word!

4.26 Scale

    value   decimal!/get-word!

4.27 Shader

Calls glUseProgram, binds and enables any textures used, and calls glUniform for any variables.

    which   shader!

4.28 Sphere

Draws a sphere. Internally, a vertex buffer with normals & texture coordinates is created.

    radius          int!/decimal!
    slices,stacks   coord!

4.29 Text

Draws quads for each character.

text x,y string!
text/center/right rect [x,y] string!

4.29.1 Text Center

Using the center option centers the string horizontally and vertically within the rect argument. To center only horizontally use a width (fourth value) of zero.

4.30 Translate

Translate the model view matrix.

    distance    vec3!/get-word!

4.31 Tris

Draw triangles primitives using glDrawElements with GL_TRIANGLES.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.32 Tri-fan

Draw triangles primitives using glDrawElements with GL_TRIANGLE_FAN.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.33 Tri-strip

Draw triangles primitives using glDrawElements with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.34 Tris-inst

Draw triangles primitives using glDrawElementsInstanced.

    elements    int!/vector!

4.35 Quad

Draw a single textured rectangle.

    tex-size    int!/vector!
    uvs         coord!
    area        coord!

4.36 Quads

Draw quadrangle primitives (each as two triangles).

    elements    int!/vector!

4.37 Uniform

Set a shader uniform variable using glUniform or glBindTexture (for textures).

    uniform-name  word!
    value         logic!/int!/double!/vec3!/texture!

4.38 View-Uniform

Transform a point into view space and assign this to a uniform using glUniform3fv.

    uniform-name  word!
    point         get-word! that references a vec3!.
    /dir          Treat point as a directional vector.

Using the dir option will only transform the point by the upper 3x3 portion of the view matrix.

5 Widget Make Instructions

5.1 expand

expand [minimum]

Fills as much space as possible to push other widgets against parent edges.

5.2 space

space [weight minimum maximum]

Fill some space to leave a gap.

5.3 hbox

hbox [margins] [/center] children
coord! option! block!

5.4 vbox

vbox [margins] [/center] children
coord! option! block!

5.5 grid

grid size [margins] children
coord! coord! block!

Size is colums,rows.

5.6 window

window [name] event-handler children
string! none!/block! block!

Free-floating movable window.

5.7 viewport

viewport event-handler

5.8 overlay

overlay layout [margins] [/center] children
word! coord! option! block!

Place widgets over the parent area.

Layout is ’hbox or ’vbox.

5.9 button

button label action
string! block!

5.10 checkbox

checkbox label action
string! block!

5.11 choice

choice options [action]
block! block!

5.12 label

label text

5.13 line-edit

line-edit text [max-length]
string! int!

5.14 list

list headers items [char-size] [action]
int!/block! block! coord! block!

5.15 slider

slider [orient] range initial-value [action]
word! coord!/vec3! int!/double! block!

Range is minimum,maximum.